Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Theft -Dragon Ball Z Included

Above: quality controlled OFFICIAL DBZ t-shirt.

Via Instagram and other media I found that there are person(s) who have produced Dragon Ball Z t-shirts.  Not great just basic designs but very easily identifiable. This person is going to sell the items at a US comic event so I asked whether the items were official.  This is the response:

""No...no they are not. Just trying to pay my rent my dude" 

That was followed by comments from people who really did not give a shit that they were not official and so were supporting copyright and creative theft. One even said he didn't care: he wanted one.

This is becoming quite a thing now: won't buy real books and comics but will willingly steal money from the creators by illegally downloading them. That is theft and criminal. It does not matter if DBZ is worth $4 billion or if it is the work of some poor schmuck working in his room/studio and is eating wallpaper for dinner.

It is theft. And you support that then you are scum. Thieving scum.

The excuse "Just trying to pay my rent my dude" does not hold any water. Then make up your own original designs and sell them on t-shirts. If you are serious about working in comics then you take the bad with the good -if you cannot then get out and find a job that pays you so you can pay the rent "dude".

If you are at an event then, before you buy that t-shirt, ask "is this official merchandise?"

I am betting 99.9% of you will not "because I wanted that T!"

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