Thursday, 13 June 2019

Silvermaigne:Knight Ghoul Hunter

A4Black & White
42 Pages
Price: £5.00 
Ships in 3–5 business days

The Silvermaigne line is said to go back to the time of the Ancient Britons. 

Silvermaignes ancestors were part of a druidic clan based in the great forest that is today known as Leigh Woods, overlooking the River Severn entering (today) Bristol. All the members of the tribe had white hair from birth and they were known as the mwng arian (Silver Manes). Even the druids bowed to their knowledge of demons, spirits and things of the darkness. 

But at a point several centuries ago the family split and took two paths -one embraced magik for its own fight against evil.  The other renounced the use of personal magik so as not to become tainted and seduced by it.

For the first time Ben Dilworth looks at the latter branch of the Silvermaigne family and what one of them endures to keep the fight Holy! 

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