The year of Our Lord 1727... The golden age of piracy! Captain Cinnamon Wylde is the scourge of the waters around Dead Man's Straits... Raiding slaver vessels and freeing their cargo! Along with her clockwork hand (only losers have hooks) and her homunculus sidekick, Erasmus!
But she has a deadly rival in the form of Captain Godiva Dunaway who uses black magic and a crew of zombies to rule the seven seas. Dunaway has plans to take Wylde down using an ancient curse and necromancy! She plans to raise the deadly creature known as the Black Reaper from the waves... a headless horror that can not be killed because it is already dead. An epic book-length adventure on the high seas.
Get ready for clockwork sailors, voodoo and seas monsters! It's the most fun you can have with your eye-patch on!
What else do you need to say other than that Gabrielle Noble is back!! Oh...and John A. Short of course. The scripts have nice dialogue and the plot is, as you can guess from the images above, one involving pirates in the Short Universe and all of the quirks and grotesques that live there.
Just read that blurb above and ask yourself where you have seen any comic filled with this type of stuff -it's fun and adventure and it is always a breath of fresh air (especially if I've had baked beans for dinner) when a new Kult book turns up.
In this day and age I have to ask why these books do not sell out and especially as the main characters are all female? Reading this helped relieve some of the current problems and if a book can do that it needs praise and, no, I do not give out spoilers. What I think is absolutely ridiculous is that no comic company has grabbed Short to work for them. That is insane.
As for Noble's art...I became a fan back in the days of Spliffy and, again, the fun that comes across in the art is well worth the cover price -Kult Creations even offers all three Captain Wylde books as a set!
To date I have found no reason to not praise Kult Creations or Short and Noble's work and this current tale of piracy I highly recommend.
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